
April 28, 2018

[PART 2] Working Abroad - Cons

Hello babe!

Referring to my post earlier, since i dah berseloroh dengan pros about working abroad, this time around I'm gonna share what are the cons working abroad. Apa kau fikir kerja di luar tu semuanya indah-indah belaka? Yucksss!

Blog aku, so haruslah tempek muka aku. Takkan tempek muka kau jemahs?

"Yelaaaa duduk kat oversea tambah-tambah kalau negara sejuk, mesti lah best! Dapat berjalan tengok negara orang!"

I won't deny this statement. Not everyone get a chance working abroad. But you have to remember, tak semuanya best belaka. Let me share with you why do i say so.

1. You will be spending a certain period away from your family, friends and your loved one. You will miss out an important occasions, special moments, etc.

I had an experienced when my mom was working abroad in Saudi Arabia. She was stranded in Arab Saudi and did not able to come back to Malaysia to celebrate Hari Raya with us for about 3 years! YASS! 3 years in a row!

It's not a big deal if you are single or no strings attached. You can do whatever you want to do. But if you're married, having a kids, it might be a little tough for you. Video call sikit dah berjejeh air mata. Appobondo?

This is Borovoe, North Kazakhstan.

2. You might experience culture shock and find it difficult to live somewhere you don't fit in

Don't expect things to be just like your home and come with no expectations. Your daily routine will be changed and that's for sure. Solutions, you need to adjust your life, to learn new culture and to differentiate if their culture against ours. Dulu bila mak marah, reti jawab "Dah besar, pandai la buat keputusan." So, be smart in choosing your path, people!

3. It could be frustrating sometimes.

YASSS! Tambahan pula if that place requires you to speak in different language other than English or Malay. Unfortunately when i was in Kazakhstan, their main language are Kazakhs and Russia. Ibarat itik bercakap dengan ayam! The solutions, try find a local friends who can tutor you or download a language learning apps such as Google Translate. Learning before you go will be an advantage.

April 12, 2018

[Part 1] Working abroad. Is it cool or yikess?

Now at least one member from the family is surely seen either preparing to move abroad or has already settled there. Oppsss. No offense about our upcoming general election soon LOL!

TBH, it may sounds cool. Some makcik bawang gonna say, "Kau tahu jah, anak Pe'ah tu dapat koje di luar negeri! Mesti gaji besar!" 

Oh c'mon people. Working outside of your country may sounds cool (sometimes) but not all the time cool lah. YES, I have been working with this one of the government agencies and they offered (cum promoted) me to be part of the group project in Kazakhstan called Astana Expo 2017.

Let me share with you what are the pros of working in abroad.

1. Experience different cultures.

YASS! Of course by working in abroad, you will need to adapt the environment and sekaligus you may able to learn the local cultures. Fortunate for us, we are working in Kazakhstan, a liberal Muslim country. A challenge for us is to get the raw materials food such as fish and chicken. Orang Kazakhstan hanya makan horse meat and beef patplohjam.

Sultan Khazret Mosque in Astana, Kazakhstan.
One of my colleague wore a Baju Melayu during Friday prayer and everybody wants to take a photo with him LOL!

Geographically speaking, Kazakhstan is the northernmost Muslim-majority country in the world.

Culture in Kazakhstan? More or less they are just like us. But tbh they party and drink a lot compared to us. Just so you know in KZ, a Muslim women can enter the masjid with a skirts and sleeveless, while a man can solat with short pants (coz they are Muslim Sunni from Mazhab Hanafi). So, these are the things that we have to manage and adapt when we were there.

Group photo with some of my adorably volunteers. We represented as Malaysia Pavilion in Astana Expo 2017.

2. Learning local Languages

It gave us an advantage back then cause there was an international world expo. That means the whole world berkampung over there as an exhibitors, visitors and workers like us. By moving from one country to another, it helps us to learn diverse lingo.

This is horse meat and it's very popular in Kazakhstan. Almost every cafe ada menu ni.

3. Improve communication skills

By working in abroad, you are able to improve your communication skills as you come across language barriers and many cultural differences. By dealing with all such barriers one learns the skills of communication with people of different cultures and languages. Unfortunately when we were there, most of local people does not speak in English. Their main lingo is Kazakhstani or Russia. It was a hassle for us. Even to buy a simcard may took about 1 hour to explain to them.

I would suggest to download translator apps in your device. It helps you a lot trust me!

Actually i have a lot of things to be shared with you about the advantage working in abroad but since i skip my lunch time to write this post (and my tasks are queuing back there), i shall continue in my next post.

Till then, a million thanks to you my readers for keep supporting my blog eventhough it's not a [dot]com anymore, LOL! 

Julai 05, 2016

On 30th June 2016, Greentech telah mengadakan Majlis Berbuka Puasa bersama Media.
Majlis diadakan di Kuala Lumpur Golf Country & Club (KLGCC).
Tujuan majlis diadakan bagi meraikan para media dalam usahasama membangunkan nama GreenTech.

Dan aku yang vogue gabra ni ditugaskan menjadi emcee pada hari kejadian. Tak pernah seumur hidup jadi emcee, tiba-tiba jadi bidan terjun. Jantung macam dah terkeluar rasa masa tu. HAHA.

There are new things I've learned throughout this program. It taught me how to be more confidence, even though kau punya slank english tak superb mana, apatah lagi grammar kelaut. Tapi dari situ lah aku belajar sebenarnya di mana kesilapan aku.
Dalam hidup ni kalau kita hanya tengok sahaja, kita tak dapat apa. Kalau kita explore dan cuba sendiri, kita faham bagaimana, dan macamana nak improve diri kita sendiri pada masa akan datang. Take it in a positive way.

So, apahal aku sembang lari tajuk asal ni? Bluerghhh.

Untuk majlis berbuka puasa ini, lebih kurang 20 tetamu media dijemput bersama-sama dengan staff daripada GreenTech. Dalam pada masa yang sama, ia dapat mengeratkan silaturrahim antara Greentech dan media.

Bekerja dalam bidang yang totally berlainan dengan bidang sebelum ni, memberi aku kelebihan untuk menjadi lebih multi-tasking. Jadi kerja kau tak rigid dan membosankan. Itu sebenarnya yang menyumbang kepada mood untuk bekerja. Don't you agree with me? Can you imagine, kau datang kerja tiap hari buat kerja yang sama, hujung bulan tunggu gaji. Otak kau tepu je. Well, I'm not that kind of person. I want more, I want to learn more. That is me.