
April 28, 2018

[PART 2] Working Abroad - Cons

Hello babe!

Referring to my post earlier, since i dah berseloroh dengan pros about working abroad, this time around I'm gonna share what are the cons working abroad. Apa kau fikir kerja di luar tu semuanya indah-indah belaka? Yucksss!

Blog aku, so haruslah tempek muka aku. Takkan tempek muka kau jemahs?

"Yelaaaa duduk kat oversea tambah-tambah kalau negara sejuk, mesti lah best! Dapat berjalan tengok negara orang!"

I won't deny this statement. Not everyone get a chance working abroad. But you have to remember, tak semuanya best belaka. Let me share with you why do i say so.

1. You will be spending a certain period away from your family, friends and your loved one. You will miss out an important occasions, special moments, etc.

I had an experienced when my mom was working abroad in Saudi Arabia. She was stranded in Arab Saudi and did not able to come back to Malaysia to celebrate Hari Raya with us for about 3 years! YASS! 3 years in a row!

It's not a big deal if you are single or no strings attached. You can do whatever you want to do. But if you're married, having a kids, it might be a little tough for you. Video call sikit dah berjejeh air mata. Appobondo?

This is Borovoe, North Kazakhstan.

2. You might experience culture shock and find it difficult to live somewhere you don't fit in

Don't expect things to be just like your home and come with no expectations. Your daily routine will be changed and that's for sure. Solutions, you need to adjust your life, to learn new culture and to differentiate if their culture against ours. Dulu bila mak marah, reti jawab "Dah besar, pandai la buat keputusan." So, be smart in choosing your path, people!

3. It could be frustrating sometimes.

YASSS! Tambahan pula if that place requires you to speak in different language other than English or Malay. Unfortunately when i was in Kazakhstan, their main language are Kazakhs and Russia. Ibarat itik bercakap dengan ayam! The solutions, try find a local friends who can tutor you or download a language learning apps such as Google Translate. Learning before you go will be an advantage.

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