During last week (November 12nd), I was cordially invited by Nuffnang to attend an event by Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad (Talent Corp) in conjunction with Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM Shah Alam) at Dewan Sri Budiman. They're hosting the Sector-Focused Career Fair (SFCF). Heyyy, this is a good opportunities to all the fresh graduates who are seeking for a job. Event ni berlangsung for two days tapi Adam cuma hadir pada hari pertama sahaja disebabkan kekangan masa dan juga kerjaya (eceyhh!) Majlis ini telah dirasmikan oleh YB Senator Dato' Sri Abdul Wahid bin Omar, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri.

This career fair was supported by more than 30 companies in Malaysia including AIG, DHL, Electrolux, GlaxoSmithKline, IBM, and many more! Apart from that career fair ni siap ada walk-in interview dan juga iklan jawatan kosong! Menarik!
Seperti yang kita sedia maklum, para graduan hari ni semakin bertambah bak cendawan tumbuh lepas hujan. Maka, semakin ramai pelajar bijak pandai di negara kita ini. And we, as a Malaysians, should be proud of it. Diharapkan dengan bertambahnya para graduan bijak pandai, negara kita akan berjaya mengejar matlamat 2020 seperti yang pernah diilhamkan oleh Tun Mahathir suatu masa dahulu. In Shaa Allah.
The SFCF provides an opprtunity for fresh graduates to meet with CEOs and senior HR representatives of participating companies, while providing a platform for companies to scout for potential talent from universities in Malaysia.

Apart of this career fair, it was included Career Talks and Couch Corner Slot. Career Talk is a platform developed for the young generation to engage with prominent industries leaders, while Couch Corner Slot wasdesigned for the visitors, especially students to interact with the companies in a relaxed atmosphere. Nah senang. Apa-apa yang kau tak faham, atau nak tahu, boleh ask directly straight to the point.

Couch Corner Slot.
In overall, I think this Career Fair ni patut diadakan lebih kerap in future, not only in UiTM, but all universities in Malaysia. Kami lah pelapis generasi akan datang, so please give us a chance!
This is a sponsored post by Nuffnang.
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