Day is just around the corner. One day left. Yes, tomorrow! As a
Malaysian, I am truly excited to celebrate National Day. And because of
that, Astro Beyond had launched a campaign called - Your Malaysian Is
Showing + Go Beyond Positive Meter on last Saturday (24th August). I was
cordially invited by Nuffnang to attend this event and celebrate with
them. Yayy! Since Saturday memang free tak bekerja (as for now lah!),
maka haruslah meringankan pungkoq dan menghadirkan diri ke event
tersebut. Jom!
Setibanya di Mid Valley, terus berlari ke register
counter. Heyyy, it's Anne Cheah over here! She's the one who wrote an
email to me and the same person yang sanggup melayan email i yang
erghh..Annoying gilo ini. Thank you Anne. It was nice to meet you there.
#OOTD - Outfit of the Day
One thing yang I suka dengan Nuffnang is that, mereka tak lokek nak bagi goodie bags. They NEVER forget! SALUTE. That is the reasons why I stick with Nuffnang as compared with others Adverts campaign. A goodie bag from Astro Beyond memang sangat sexy because all of the gifts were in Pink! Awhhh! Tetibe kita rasa jambu.

Apart of using hashtag #UrMalaysianIsShowing and #GoBeyond campaigns, as well as the launch of a new music video, entitled "Excuse Me Sir, your Malaysian is Showing". Ada few barisan artists such as Erul AF, Jie Ying, Shantesh and few more artists. Majlis ini juga telah dirasmikan dengan barisan artis terkenal tempatan Malaysia such as Lisa Surihani, Dato' Aznil Haji Nawawi and many more.
Di kesempatan ini saya mahu menyeru all of you (YES, you!) to spread the positivity value and happiness in every each of us! This Merdeka Campaign encouraging everyone to do something positive to put a smile on the faces of others, like for example tolong angkatkan spender housemate daripada terkena hujan ataupun tolong jangan buang sampah keluar dari kenderaan, mahupun tolong bayarkan tol 10 kereta di belakang kita. Wahh! Rasa macam bangga gilo sebab dapat praktikkan nilai positif dalam diri ini. Don't you feel the same?
You should start tweeting now!! Share with all Malaysians what are your positibity values! Yes, anything positive will do. Just hashtag #UrMalaysianIsShowing and #GoBeyond on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Let's help Astro to reach 1 million positive contributions!
Apart from that, in order to show our Malaysian love, Astro launched a tshirt app on Facebook to create our own tshirt design with your creative unique lingos such as 'Relax lah!', 'Syiokk!', 'Machaa!', or 'Brudder!', understood only by us Malaysians. Psstt! (All sales will contribute towards a charitable cause - Astro Kasih). Haaaa, tak ke dah dapat pahala berganda di situ? Design sambil menderma. You may do so by visiting #UrMalaysianIsShowing Facebook App. This campaign will run from August 15th until September 16th 2013. So hurry up people!
How to create your Tshirt Design?
First, LOGIN to your Facebook page. And then visit
Then, please fill in your details in the form provided. There's nothing to worry about. This is for Weekly Top 30 Voters purposes only.
And then click on 'SUBMIT'
Click on 'Create Custom'
And you may start start to design your tshirt now based on your creativity. Yayy! Very simple isn't it? Tiba-tiba you all semua dah jadi creative secara tak sengaja kan? Kerlasss sangat! Rasa macam bangga bila orang beli baju design kita sendiri khenz?
Astro also launched Positive Engine in Mid Valley level 3 (Yes, you boleh tengok how yhe machine look alike dekat North Court), whereby this engine will be trigger every time someone does a positive act and using hashtag #UrMalaysianIsShowing. How cool is that? Hergh. Rasa macam nak curi je machine gedabak ni.
How to spread your psotivity? All you just need to do is visit
And now you may start sharing what is your positivity with us! Yayy!! As simple as that.
Dekat website ni you all boleh tengok ps progress Positive Engine right now. ;Like seriously! Dah berapa banyak Tweets yang terkumpul, semuanya you all boleh cekidautt di situ. Ohsem giloz idea Astro Go Beyond ni khenz?
After launching the Positive Engine, all ChurpChurp and Nuffnangs came out with the contest where all bloggers and Churpers team up and finishes 27 tasks prepared by Astro. It's like a game show. And every tasks is very exciting! As been mentioned earlier, this campaign is to make people around you to SMILE. Menjadi suatu kepuasan bila orang lain dapat senyum kerana kita. Puas gilo.
My Team Members. :)

My Team Members. :)

So, what are you waiting for guys? Let's join us to spread out your love to our lovely country. Tak susah, cuma perlu share what is your positive value by sharing your tweets, Instagram and Facebook as well. And guys, please. Don't forget to check it out the "Excuse Me Sir, you Malaysian is Showing" music video.
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